Graham Burton

Graham Burton

Business Leader and Change Agent

C-level expert in general management and driving complex change and turnaround

Graham Burton, educated in Computer Science, Economics and Accountancy (BSc CDipAF MBCS CITP MInstD), is a proven and enthusiastic business consultant, operational leader and change agent. Graham backed by his consultancy exploits technology, communication services, media and efficient energy utilisation to achieve effective change in organisations in the UK and on a global basis.

Graham has held senior roles (including C-Level with major PLCs) in technology, marketing, sales and manufacturing in the technology, telecommunications, utilities, chemicals, textiles/fashion, media/publishing and pharmaceuticals industries. Since 1982 his consultancy has provided products, services and resourcing to over 400 companies that collectively represent over £3bn of business to the UK economy.

Graham leads the required infrastructure and communication services needed to successfully manage, acquire and integrate businesses and to drive through turnround situations. Initially establishing operational efficiencies enables resources to then be focused upon the effective design, implementation and subsequent management of initiatives and functional teams required to achieve stated strategies.

Graham’s has benchmarked many UK and global operational, technical, HR, marketing and sales functions, that sets the agenda for continual business improvement and rapid business improvement.

Graham holds positions on the Manchester Chamber of Commerce economic committee, is a leading member of the largest independent telecommunication commercial group in the UK. Graham has published articles and reports in the UK and US.

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