We prefer to define strategy as working out how “to do the right things”
We tend to spend most of our time executing operational plans. Sometimes, these are the consequence of operational reviews we have carried out – sometime the work reflects tasks set by the business sponsor. When it comes to fundamental business performance improvement – even turnaround – working out the right strategy is key. We approach such a task in a way which reflects our skills and philosophy:
- we use senior management, with experience at C-Level, as part of the review and planning
- we use business planners with backgrounds in strategy development, from strategy consultancies or corporate development functions
- we leverage our experience to zoom in on key issues, minimising the amount of research and theoretical work
- we work out ways forward based on deep knowledge of implementation feasibility as well as environmental/political/risk factors
- we establish plans which can be achieved…because we presume the sponsor may ask us to implement them
Business and Marketing Planning & Research
We undertake corporate and structural strategy and portfolio planning, customer research, competitive & marketing strategies. We also train people in these skills, so they can continually challenge and develop their business plans.
“A key part of their turnaround approach was to tweak “business as usual” through line management, whilst setting up two major change programmes. One took cost out of inefficient processes. The other created and launched a new killer service. The proposition went on to become hailed as the industry’s “Innovation of the Year” and our most profitable, fastest growing and biggest line of business. They even set up a new online channel to supplement our salesforce, so we could sell it efficiently” – Group CEO
Proposition Development & creating “market disruption”
Increasingly, our clients and sponsors face an imperative to drive up the top line. Furthermore, there is pressure to grow revenue and share without margin dilution. Usually, the business is skeptical that propositions can be developed which achieve such goals.
Either as part of a Performance Improvement Project or a Turnaround, we place great emphasis on the development of compelling, even “disruptive” propositions – or competition killers.
Ideally, such propositions are “game changers” discovering new ways to sell more at better margin. In a Turnaround, such a proposition becomes “iconic”. It becomes a means to achieve multiple, simultaneous objectives:
- galvanise a team into action
- embody a revitalised competitive strategy
- generate positive energy and reversal of slipping morale – people love to be on a winning side
- signals “we are back” to the competitors
- excites existing and new customers
- dramatically enhances the economics of the business
The creation, launch and management of such new propositions, reflecting a reinvigorated strategy, when combined with operational improvement initiatives, has a stunning, positive effect.