Carnectiv.com has recently been launched by nil plus ultra ventures. Carnectiv follows on from nil plus ultra’s long standing engagement in the connected car field, working with clients such as BMW, Deutsche Telekom Connected Car and Telefonica, among others.
“Carnectiv represents a labour of love for us. We feel there’s huge untapped potential for the “connected car”
Carnectiv will do three complementary things:
- Drive a flourishing “gathering place”, carnectiv.com which publishes news, opinion, resources (technical and business intelligence) and showcase the best of what’s going on. carnectiv.com is now operational for all popular platforms and social media
- Design and organise events for a specific connected car calendar, complementing other events already established. The Carnectiv Events Calendar puts particular emphasis on the engagement of developers, providing a showcase for them, as well as an opportunity for larger corporates (OEMs, technology businesses and telcos) to engage with developers
- Organise specific stakeholder forums or “round table” groups for selected industry players
Robert Fedder, nil plus ultra Founder said “Carnectiv represents a labour of love for us. We feel there’s huge untapped potential for the ‘connected car’. Carnectiv is really a long term investment for us. However, we believe there are many opportunities which will emerge once the “crowd” of developers bring their skills and innovations to this area. We want to be a part of this and to help stimulate the speeding up of the sector”.
To visit Carnectiv, click here.
Posted on 29 Jan 2014
Posted in NilPlusUltra News
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